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The Royal Canadian Regiment (The RCR) is committed to assuring that the Museum collection, displays and public programming are relevant, respond to Canadian public mandates and remain strong for future generations.

The Museum is a fiscally responsible institution, with its own governing structure: a Board of Directors responsible for the Museum operations and welfare. The Board develops policies and any other such documentation necessary to ensure that the Museum is fulfilling its mandate in accordance with Canadian and International standard practices, legal requirements and ethical responsibilities.


Our Vision

Unlock The RCR History for Everyone

Our Mission


Safeguard The RCR heritage, tangible and intangible.

Assist in building pride, esprit-de-corps and solidarity amongst all members of The RCR family.

Maintain an open dialogue within Canadians while promoting awareness about the traditional lands, history and cultures of Indigenous people.

Our values



Promote professionalism, trustworthiness, and dependability.


Provide services to the local community, the Regimental family, veterans across the country, other museums, and all Canadians.


Welcome everyone while opening the doors to cultural diversity.


Support the Indigenous communities’ right to self-determination and continue observing decolonization practices.


Foster a deeper understanding of the Regimental experience, within the broader context of military and Canadian history, among other veterans, communities in the London area and all Canadians.


Design original exhibitions, and create programing in partnership with arts and culture sector.