The Future of Tradition. Careers in Heritage Fair at Wolseley Barracks
16 May 2019, 9:30am to 2:00pm
May is museums month world-wide and 18 May is celebrated every year as the International Museums Day ICOM International Museum Day - ICOM. This year's theme is "Museums as Cultural Hubs. The Future of Tradition." The Royal Canadian Regiment Museum will celebrate by inviting teachers to bring their students to explore various career options in the sector (museums, archives, heritage or military reserve). Following rotation through five hands-on workshops facilitated by museum professionals across town, the students will have an opportunity to find out more from emerging professionals and recruiters to related programs available through local post-secondary institutions. All those interested should contact the museum to book in advance ( For more details about the event, check our Facebook Events.

Exciting news: our museum is one of Three Best Rated places in London, ON. We wish to congratulate the other two BEST RATED, London Children's Museum and Fanshawe Pioneer Village. Thank you to our volunteers for their contribution on a daily basis at offering highest quality services and to our patrons for visiting us!
Doors Open London: 15 and 16 September 2018, from 11am to 5pm
We look forward to welcoming Londoners during DOL and to... "History Coming Alive" on 15-16 September 2018. Our museum will be open on extended hours, both days, Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 5pm. Join us for special programming that includes military equipment from 31 Canadian Brigade Group (Saturday all day), special presentation by Zenon Andrusyszyn from CANADIGM (Saturday 15 Sept at 1pm). Military re-enactment programming is scheduled for Sunday, 16th of September by Royal Scots Upper Thames Military Reenactment Society and Canadian Great War Society Archives. Captain Michael O'Leary collection will be featured both days, during opening hours.

Kids 1st Day: 8 June 2018
The Royal Canadian Regiment Museum is one of the venues for this city-wide event organized by the local chapter of Investing in Children. The museum is open on regular hours, special activities will be offered between 11am and 3pm. At our venue, you can learn how to use semaphore flags, Morse Code or try on some puttees.
Open House: 5 May 2018, 10am to 5pm
Open House at The Royal Canadian Regiment Museum, on the occasion of 4th Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment change of command and visit from 1st Battalion, "Duke of Edinburgh's" Company, The Royal Canadian Regiment. 1RCR Battle Group is travelling from Petawawa to London, ON as part of Exercise LACPLESIS PURSUIT. They are traveling Ontario exercising vehicle movements, convoy drills and connecting with Canadians. 1RCR will arrive in London on 5 May 2018 at Wolseley Barracks. Military parade starting at 3pm, military vehicles, active members of The RCR on site all day and museum open on extended hours, 10am to 5pm. Come and interact with current serving members of the Regiment or take a guided tour.
21 Dec 2017: Happy 134th Birthday to The Royal Canadian Regiment!
On 21 Dec 1883, a bill in parliament was approved to establish the Infantry School Corps, formed of 3 companies, located in Fredericton, NB, St-Jean, QC, and Toronto, ON. The newly created School had a mission to train local militia. In 1886, a 4th company was added in London, ON. By 1904, these units had evolved into The Royal Canadian Regiment. The regimental birthday has been remembered every year, even in time of war. In 1943, as The RCR was engaged in the Battle of Ortona during the Second World War, the officers marked the regimental diamond jubilee with a toast. The recipe was a mix of ration rum, sugar and water; ever since it is a regimental tradition known as "Ortona Toast".

Kowang-san Day 23 October 2017
In October 1952, the Royal Canadians were fighting in Korea, alongside other units of the Canadian Army. It took almost a full month of tenacious resistance and brave fighting to push back Chinese assaults 40 km north of Seoul, in an area known as Hill 355 and nicknamed "Little Gibraltar" due to its prominent size and many defensive positions. The RCR marks this important advancement during the Korean War every year.

View of the "Little Gibraltar" or Hill 355, 1952.
London Doors Open: 16 - 17 September 2017 The museum is a featured venue for London Doors Open 2017. We will be open extended hours, from 10am to 4pm both days. We invite everyone to participate in Unconventional. Unbelievable. Unforgettable activities, tours and events . There will be displays and re-enactment pieces from 31 Canadian Group Brigade, 4th Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment, Captain O'Leary Collection, Canadian Great War Society, The Royal Scots and Museum Hack For an Unconventional. Unbelievable. Unforgettable tour with a Hacker, please make sure you register on site. Please note that Hacker's tours begin at 10:30 am, the last tour is at 3:30pm. Only 12 people (adults and children) are admitted per tour. Registrations are taken only the day of the tour.
Captain Michael O'Leary will bring out his collection and will be happy to interact with visitors to reveal the secrets of his collecting. On Saturday, 16 Sept 2017, 31 Canadian Brigade Group and the 4th Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment, will be presenting Unconventional. Unbelievable. Unforgettable displays and invite visitors to learn about military equipment.
On Sunday, 17 Sept 2017, Canadian Great War Society and Royal Scots will offer a really Unconventional. Unbelievable. Unforgettable experience throughout the day with a Small Arms drill, rations of the First World War and a Military Heritage Fashion Show.
Centennial of the Battle of Hill 70: 20 August 2017, from 10:45am to 12:00pm
This event is organized by the 4th Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment to mark the centennial of the Battle of Hill 70. A forgotten battle during the First World War, it saw Canada’s only Muslim casualty, Private Hasan Amat of 1st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, be killed-in-action on 20 August 1917. The Battle of Hill 70 was fought by all four divisions of the Canadian Corps between 15 and 25 August 1917. It was the follow-up task of the corps following their victory at Vimy Ridge in April of the same year. Significantly, Hill 70 marks the first time the Canadian Corps was led by a Canadian officer, Lieutenant General Arthur Currie. He convinced higher headquarters to focus on capturing Hill 70, a dominating high feature to the north of Lens (France). Having captured Hill 70, the Canadians could effectively control Lens and force the Germans to commit to recapturing the hill at great cost. With devastating artillery barrages and rapid infantry assaults, the Canadians quickly secured the hill on the first day and made ready for German counter-attack. The Germans conducted numerous counter-attacks over the next 10 days, using mustard gas shells and flamethrowers for the first time. Despite the fury of the German attacks and huge Canadian casualties, the Canadian Corps held the hill and won a staggering victory. In total, the corps lost 8,700 casualties to an estimated 25,000 German casualties. The valiant Canadians also won a total of 6 Victoria Crosses in 10 days, one of the highest rates of gallantry ever displayed by any formation in a single battle.

Pachino Day: 10 July 2017
Seventy-four years ago, on 10 July 1943, The Royal Canadian Regiment landed at Pachino in the opening waves of the Allied invasion of Sicily, Operation HUSKY. The regiment was part of the 1st Canadian Infantry Division under the British Army. They fought in several battles as the Division advanced north and then east, towards Messina.
During this operation, The RCR lost both, their commanding officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Marston Crowe and their second in command, Major J. H. Pope. A native of Victoria, BC, Major Pope was killed on 18 July 1943, during an assault near Valguarnera. Born in Guelph, ON, Lieutenant-Colonel Crowe took over command of The RCR just before the regiment set sailed for Sicily. He was killed on 24 July 1943 during a reconnaissance mission around Nissoria.

Happy Victoria Day!
The Royal Canadian Regiment has a special connection with Queen Victoria as the unit was established under this monarch in 1883. In 1900, following the victory at Paardeberg drift in South Africa, members of the regiment went to Windsor castle, where they performed the Royal Salute. In agreement with military protocols, The RCR eventually adopted a badge that shows Victoria's royal cypher "VRI". Upon her death, based on the same protocols, the royal cypher was switched to Edward VII (EVIIR) and George V (GVR) respectively. Although new badges were manufactured and soldiers of The RCR wore the "GVR" badge during the First World War, the officers chose to continue using their old "VRI" badges. In 1919, permission to adopt the "VRI" cypher was granted and ever since, the regimental badge is an eight-pointed star with Queen's Victoria royal cypher surrounded by the crown (Guelphic type, Tudor type or St Edward's type, depending on the living monarch).

9 April 2017 @11am: Service at The RCR Cenotaph and Canadian Great War Society
A service will be held at The RCR Cenotaph in the parade square at Wolseley Barracks to mark #Vimy100. The Canadian Great War Society will be on site to animate this day of Remembrance.

30 March 2017 @11am: Vimy, Symbol of Canada. The Royal Canadian Regiment in the First World War
An all-immersive experience, bilingual, virtual reality, hands-on interactive, artefacts and archives recently uncovered to mark the Centennial of the First World War while featuring a symbol of Canada in its 150th Year. Many companies have worked for this project, each and every one contributing their unique expertise (RedRhino, SimWave Consulting, Canadigm) . Professor Jonathan Vance is our guest speaker for the opening event and press conference Last, but not least, the project was possible with funding from the Directorate of History and Heritage, Section 5 Museums and Historical Collections.

25 February 2017: Antiques 150 at Museum London
The Royal Canadian Regiment Museum will be participating in the 5th Annual Heritage Fair organized by London Heritage Council; the event will be hosted by Museum London. Bring your own antique, artifact, or heirloom and have it assessed by heritage experts or professional appraisers. You can also view artifacts, photographs, and memorabilia commemorating 150 years of Canada presented by 20 local museums and heritage organizations.
Reserve a space with heritage expert/appraiser at
Captain C.J. (Cliff) Collison, CD
(1936 – 2017)

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Cliff Collison, long time devoted museum volunteer, prominent member of The RCR and of The RCR Association. In one capacity or another, Captain Collison has served as a Royal Canadian for the past 60 years.
Captain Collison joined The Royal Canadian Regiment in 1956 as a Private Soldier and served in the 2nd Battalion, The RCR Depot and the 1st Battalion, including a tour in Cyprus. He rose to the rank of Sergeant and was commissioned from the ranks in 1974. He completed officer training and was posted to the CF Leadership Academy in Borden as a Lieutenant. Promoted to Captain he subsequently served in the Special Service Force Headquarters in Petawawa, the Combat Training Center in CFB Gagetown and as Regular Support Staff with the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry. In 1985 he was posted to CFB London as the Base Personnel Admin Officer from which he retired in April 1992 having completed 37 years of service.
Upon retirement, Captain Collison served the Regiment as Vice President, followed by President of the Home Station, London and District Branch of The RCR Association. He also served on the National Board of Directors of the Association rising through the positions on the Board to become the Chair, not only once, but for a second time when his services were in dire need. During his first term as Chairman, he represented the Association when the Regiment conducted the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace. In his subsequent term he organized the challenging task of moving the National Association Headquarters from London to Petawawa. As Chairman, his positive influence over the Association knew no bounds.
Captain Collison has represented the Regiment to the highest standard within the wider veteran community. He served for many years as the Treasurer of the Armed Forces Pensioners Association and, in the past, has served as the parade commander at the City of London Cenotaph. As a Trustee and secretary Captain Collison served for 20 years on the Regimental Trust. He also volunteered at the Royal Canadian Regiment Museum since the 1970s in a double capacity: volunteer tour guide and Director on the museum Board of Directors since 2007.
Happy 133rd Birthday, The Royal Canadian Regiment!
The Royal Canadian Regiment will be 133 years young on 21 December 2016. On this day in 1883, a bill in parliament approved the creation of the first Regular Army unit, the Infantry School Corps. Three companies were formed and located in Fredericton (NB), St-Jean, QC and Toronto, ON. In 1886 a fourth Company was added in London, ON. These four units formed later the Regiment of Royal Canadian Infantry (as of 1896), the Royal Canadian Regiment of Infantry (as of 1899) and eventually The Royal Canadian Regiment, a name that hasn’t changed since 1901.

Remembrance 2016: 29 October to 11 November 2016
The museum is prepared for the Remembrance Season 2016. Our tribute to men and women who served or serve under the Canadian Military will be paid with a Wall of Remembrance, installed in the reception area. Starting 29 Oct, everyone is welcome to share their thoughts or bring their respects by writing on the 'poppy cards'. On 11 November, museum staff, volunteers and visitors will be observing the Remembrance ceremony conducted by the 4th Battalion of The Royal Canadian Regiment in the parade square at Wolseley Barracks. On 11 November, the museum will open on extended hours, from 10am to 8pm. Capt. O’Leary will be showing his collection in the multi-purpose room, Veterans and serving members will be available on site to interact with the public. Follow our social media accounts for news and updates!

The Memory Project: 5 Oct 2016, 11am to 1pm
Join the Memory Project at the Royal Canadian Regiment Museum to mark Canada's engagement in Afghanistan. Guest speakers will talk about their experiences as members of The Royal Canadian Regiment in various conflicts around the world during the past decades.
Landing in Sicily: 10 July 1943
On 10 July 1943, The Royal Canadian Regiment landed at Pachino in the opening waves of the Allied invasion of Sicily, Operation HUSKY. The regiment was part of the 1st Canadian Infantry Division under the British Army. They fought in several battles as the division advanced north and then east towards Messina.
The museum recently acquired an artefact related to the Allied Invasion of Sicily, with special meaning. It is a 9mm Beretta pistol, captured from an Italian Captain during the liberation of the village of Modica (Sicily) on the 12th of July 1943 by Captain (Ret'd) Sheridan Atkinson, member of The Royal Canadian Regiment and one of the museum's dearest friends. The firearm is now on display in our Second World War gallery.

100 Years: the Battle of Mount Sorrel
2 June 2016 @ 6:30pm, Wolseley Barracks, parade square
Between the 2nd and the 13th of June 1916, The Royal Canadian Regiment, along with other units of the 2nd and 3rd Canadian Divisions (CEF), was engaged in combat on the outskirts of Ypres, from the Village of Hooge to Armagh Wood and Mount Sorrel. The Royal Canadian Regiment Museum is commemorating the Centennial of the Battle of Mount Sorrel in partnership with the London Arts Council and the London Heritage Council during a public event involving not only the military community, but also local artists and students. A new interactive display to interpret the original Flanders Fields cross showing the names of 20 men killed in this battle will be unveiled on the same occasion.

9 April 2016: 99 Years - The Battle of Vimy Ridge
On April 9, 2016 we commemorate 99 years from the assault on Vimy Ridge, First World War. To mark the event, we have brought to light one of the crosses placed immediately after the battle to honour thirteen members of the 1st Canadian Infantry Battalion who made the supreme sacrifice. This cross was also spotted in a vintage photo on site. 1st Canadian Infantry Battalion (CEF) is perpetuated by the 4th Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment.
116th Anniversary - the Battle of Paardeberg: 27 February 2016
The 2nd Special Service Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment of Infantry (as The RCR was known at the time) was the first Canadian unit to fight overseas. They set sail in Québec City and were victorious on Modder River while fighting the Boers at the Paardeberg drift. This Canadian victory was celebrated by the entire nation before the First World War. Today, it is an important regimental anniversary, honoured by all four battalions of The Royal Canadian Regiment.
Resting after the March / Roll of Honour in South Africa / The Boers

London Heritage Fair: 13 February 2016, 9:00am-3:00pm
As previously announced the museum will be participating in the 4th Annual Heritage Fair held at Central Library (251 Dundas Street) from 9:00am-3:00pm on Saturday, February 13, 2016. Visit all the featured exhibitors in the Hudson Bay Passageway and learn about London’s museums and heritage sites. In addition to being a featured exhibitor, The Royal Canadian Regiment Museum will also be hosting a hands-on learning activity from 10:00am-10:45am. As the kids are having fun dressing up in military uniforms, Londoners are invited to use our interactive map to search through their neighbourhoods to discover if they have lived near, beside, or in a home of a First World War soldier who was killed in action. For a full list of featured exhibitors and hands-on activities please click the following link:

Recent Acquisitions: 15 January to 10 December 2016
A selection of artefacts donated or purchased during 2015 is now on show, in the mini-theatre on the second floor of the Gallery. Medal sets, badges, archives, original art, weapons and equipment have been added to the museum collection over the past year. Among these, visitors can view the unique MGen Loomis medal set including the Order of Military Merit, Military Cross(Elizabeth II type), rare badges of the Oxford Rifles Regiment (1900s), the 7th Fusiliers Regiment (1860s) and the Infantry School Corps (1883), post cards from London, ON sent to soldiers fighting overseas during the First World War, a pair of Liberation Clogs gifted to a member of The RCR while on duty in Holland at the end of the Second World War and many other items. Admission is free and everyone is welcomed to view our new exhibition.

We thank all our patrons for a successful 2015. From the staff and volunteers, warmest regards for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2016! The museum will be closed between 24 December 2015 and 4 January 2016.
We look forward to seeing you again on 5 January 2016 @ 10:00am.
21 Dec 2015 – Happy Birthday The RCR!
Happy 132nd Birthday to The Royal Canadian Regiment! On 21 December 1883, a bill in Parliament was approved to establish a professional army unit, the Infantry School Corps. Three companies were located as follows: ‘A’ Coy in Fredericton (NB), ‘B’ Coy in St-Jean (QC) and ‘C’ Coy in Toronto (ON). In 1886, ‘D’ Coy was added in London (ON). These four units formed initially the Regiment of Royal Canadian Infantry (as of 1896), the Royal Canadian Regiment of Infantry (as of 1899) and eventually The Royal Canadian Regiment, a name that hasn’t changed since 1901. The first infantry regiment within the Canadian permanent force was thus born.
1) Officers of 'B' Company, St-Jean, QC, ca. 1898 (courtesy of Library and Archives, Canada)
2) Badge for the Infantry School Corps, ca. 1883 - 1890 (The RCR Museum Collection)
3 Dec 2015 – Regimental Officers Indoctrination Course (ROIC)
We welcome the Officers Candidates signed up for the 2015 ROIC. Officers of The RCR who are active with 1RCR and 3RCR in Petawawa (ON) and 2RCR in Gagetown (NB) are coming to London every year for training related to the Regimental organization and history. One of the highlights is the museum visit. We look forward to offering them an unforgettable experience.
We Remember the Fallen, We Honour the Living
Starting 27 Oct 2015, the museum invites everyone to reflect upon Remembrance by writing their thoughts at this time of commemoration and recognition. This year's theme is "We Remember the Fallen, We Honour the Living." Students from London schools are invited to attend special programming. They research soldiers profile and they observe a ceremony followed by dialogue with serving members, past or current.
11 November 2015 - Museum Open from 10:00am to 8:00pm
Everyone is welcome to observe the remembrance ceremony conducted by 4RCR in the Parade Square at Wolseley Barracks. The museum will be open on extended hours. Veterans will be on site throughout the day to interact with the public and other interactive activities will be available.
7 October 2015 @ 11:00am, Commemorative and Recruitment Event
To commemorate the date of Canada’s entry into Afghanistan, the Memory Project / Historica Canada will partner with The Royal Canadian Regiment Museum in a Press Conference to launch The RCR Museum Afghanistan Oral History Project and recruit new speakers to speakers’ bureau for the Memory Project.
26-27 Sept 2015 – Canada Culture Days & London Doors Open
As usual, The RCR Museum is a venue during this annual event. In addition to touring the museum, our public is invited to interact with members of 4RCR and 31 CBG, as well as with CANADIGM Group and "Souterraine Impressions." Military equipment, weaponry and vehicles will be on show in the parade square. Zenon Andrusyszyn, Executive Director of CANADIGM Group will be on site to explain the technology behind creating "Souterraine Impressions." We are also expecting Hamilton Signals Association to unveil secrets of communications in the military before the digital era.
19 Sept 2015 – Western Fair, Warriors Day
The museum will participate in Warriors Day held at Western Fair. The ceremony and displays open at 11:00am. Western Fair visitors are encouraged to wear red to show how much you care.

Pachino Day: 10 July 1943
On 10 July 1943, The RCR landed at Pachino in the opening waves of the Allied invasion of Sicily. The RCR was part of the 1st Canadian Infantry Division under the British Army. The RCR fought in several battles as the division advanced north and then east towards Messina. After the 38-day campaign on the island was completed, they landed at Reggio di Calabria on the Italian mainland in September of 1943. The RCR fought in several battles of the Italian campaign, including key engagements in the Moro River valley near Ortona in December 1943. During 1944, the regiment took part in attacks on German defensive lines, the Hitler Line and the Gothic Line. A selection of photographs depicting The RCR during the landing in Sicily will be available in digital format as a slide show at the reception desk.

Happy Canada Day @ Harris Park
Although the museum is closed on the 1st visit

15 to 19 June 2015 Annual Conference Organization of Military Museums in Canada (OMMC)
The annual conference of the military museums in the country is held in Ottawa, the week of 15 to 19 June 2015. Volunteer Capt. (Ret'd) Ray Fleming and Executive Director, Dr. Georgiana Stanciu are attending.
June 2nd to June 13th 1916: the Battle of Mount Sorrel
99 years ago The RCR was engaged in the operations that led to capturing Mount Sorel, an important geographic/strategic position for controlling Ypres. The battle was fierce and The RCR lost 23 soldiers and 1 officer. Twenty of them are mentioned on the Flanders Field Cross that the museum possesses. It was brought at Wolseley Barracks in 1930 and ever since has been preserved in the archway entrance, today the museum reception area.

30 May 2015
The RCR Museum is open on extended hours, 12:00 to 19:00 Everyone is welcome to attend the military parades scheduled for this day and enjoy a tour of the museum.
30 May 2015 @ 15:30 4th Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment Change of Command
LCol Joseph Robinson will be handing over to LCol Martin Anderson. The Change of Command Parade will be held in the Parade Square at Wolseley Barracks as per above. All public is welcome.
30 May @ 17:00 9RCACC 75th Anniversary Parade
An anniversary parade will follow; 9 Royal Army Cadet Corps will mark their 75th anniversary. All public is welcome.
18 May 2015 Museums International Day
ICOM has chosen 'Museums for a Sustainable Society' as the theme for the International Day of Museums 2015. Celebrated every year on 18 May, this event brings forward topics of interest for museums world wide, mostly those that recognize the institution's role within our contemporary society. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook on 18 May 2015.
7/8 May 2015: V-E Day 70th anniversary
This year marks the 70th anniversary from the Allied Victory over the Third Reich. Gen Charles Foulkes (1903 - 1969), who began his career in the Canadian Army as a member of The RCR, was the commander of the 1st Canadian Corps in Northwestern Europe. In this role, he negotiated the terms of the German surrender stationed in Holland at the time. A section of the museum WWII exhibition features this important episode at the end of the Second World War in Europe.
8 May 2015 @ Wolseley Barracks, in the Parade Square (18:00)
The RCR Association, Home Station - London Branch will conduct their 47th commemorative ceremony for the paratroopers who lost their lives in Ottawa river during an ill-fated parachute training exercise.
2 May 2015 @ St Paul's Cathedral (afternoon)
The RCR Museum will be present at the Three Cathedrals Chorals Festival held in London, ON at St. Paul's Cathedral (Anglican).
Canadian Forces War of 1812 - 1815 Commemorative Banner 23 April 2015
Canadian Forces War of 1812 Commemorative Banner has arrived at The RCR Museum. The Banner was delivered by LCol Joseph Robinson, the Commanding Officer of the 4th Battalion, The RCR, CWO Henri Klausnitzer, RSM 4th Battalion, The RCR, Sgt Petras Stone, RQ 4th Battalion, The RCR. The Banner is henceforth displayed in Militia and Reserve Heritage. 4th Battalion, The RCR gallery.
Changes in the Permanent Gallery Starting 21 April 2015
Some of the valued artefacts in the collection will be displayed in new display cases. Early 1900s tunics will come back in the gallery this week. the project was possible with funding from the Directorate of History and Heritage, Section 5 Museums and Collections (Department of National Defence).
This week Volunteers are celebrated across the country. Volunteers make the difference and we wish to show our gratitude for their unconditional support. Join us and thank a Volunteer at The Royal Canadian Regiment Museum; you may use our Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or simply pass by the museum. You can also follow the link to to find out more about the national event.
8 April 2015 @ 11:00am
Multi-purpose Room at The Royal Canadian Regiment Museum
Wolseley Barracks, 701 Oxford Str E London, ON N5Y 4T7
In the weeks preceding the battle at Vimy Ridge, on April 9, 1917, Canadian soldiers were quartered underground in old quarries on French soil. As they were waiting for the attack, some made carvings in the soft chalk underground. CANADIGM group has being working over the past 5 years to scan these carvings in 3-D. Museum London is hosting an exhibition of the carvings as well as biographies of the soldiers who created them.The RCR Museum is hosting concurrently a multi-media show including the “secrets” of the technology that was used to reproduce the carvings. Briefings from both venues followed by hands-on activities and demos will be provided during the press conference launch. An education kit was prepared and will be presented at the press conference.
MC: Capt Michael O’Leary
Speakers: Zenon Andrusyszyn (CANADIGM), Amber Lloydlangston (Museum London) & Dr. Georgiana Stanciu (The RCR Museum)
We wish to congratulate our volunteers who were nominated and received the Ontario Volunteer Service Award 2014: Ann Fleming (Board of Directors), William Pettipas (Board of Directors), Roy Goldik (Tour Guide/Education Facilitator), Natalia Kondratieva (Tour Guide), Erik Rayment (Collections Assistant/Education Facilitator) and Aaron Sawartsky (Tour Guide). We also wish to extend our gratitude for all their hard work and generous support to The RCR Museum.
31 March 2015 @ 16:45 - City Hall, London, ON
The Royal Canadian Regiment Museum has been selected to be recognized by the Mayor at the City Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 31, 2015 as part of the Featured Community Organization program. This program is coordinated by Pillar Nonprofit Network on behalf of the Mayor’s office through a volunteer selection committee. Recognition consists of a mounted certificate presented by Mayor Brown at a Council meeting to representatives of the community organization. The program has been in place since 2002 and recognizes the important contributions of nonprofit organizations and their volunteer members to the community.